I would like to use the Library as a location for a shoot?
If you would like to use the Library for a film shoot you will need to:
- Fill in an AFTRS Internal Location Agreement form. This document can be found at the Production Technology office (located on the ground floor) or on Moodle in the Production Centre.
- Speak to the Library staff and get signed approval from the Library Supervisor to shoot in the Library.
- Get signed approval from the Building Supervisor.
Please Note:
- The Library is an active space and is open to the public between the hours of 10.00am - 6.00pm Monday - Friday, because of this there may be restrictions placed on when, how and where you can film in the library.
- Library shelving cannot be moved for any reason.
- Library furniture can only be moved with the permission of Library staff and the AFTRS Building Manager.
- Be mindful of others using the space when shooting, as it is their library too.